Music Videos
by lvoe, kat
Usually Selena Gomez's voice annoys me (sorry!) but this song is decent. Actually, it's really good! I think every girl should listen to this. It's beautiful!
and then while looking up videos, I remembered I was in a music video for this artist named Leah.
You can see me at 3:01 dancing to the left side of her:) Daniel is behind her in the blue and the guy to the right side of her is my dear friend, Joe Le... RIP. Enjoy!
Today is Daniel's 10 month mark! Got to talk to him Saturday for 21 minutes and Sunday for 2 hours and 12 minutes. It's still all surreal. Day off today! Bake brownies, hang out with my bftag, FHE, then beach with my MGs Lety and Ashley!:)
I have a headache. Goodbye.