Archive for August 2011

I'm at school right now.

And I am bored! I haven't blogged in a while, yo.

This is my schedule this week:
Monday: School from 8AM - 7PM and then FHE.
Tuesday: School 8AM-9:15AM and then work at 5PM - 11PM
Wednesday School from 8AM - 10PM
Thursday: Class cancelled already! FREE DAY! Until work at 5PM to 11PM -___-
Friday: FREE DAY! And work at 3PM till 7PM.
Saturday: Work at 7PM till 11PM. Blahh.

I hate work. That's all.

I'm trying to save up for a mini Cooper and I keep spending money.... I bought the best feather pillow yesterday for $22 bajillion. Hah. And yeah. Bye. I'm bored. Next class in 40 minutes! Astronomyyy.

can't wait!

I can't wait to do random videos with Daniel again:) and randomly dancing and eating and balh balh balh. whoa, I typed "blah" wrong not only once, but THREE TIMES!!

Books.. books... & more!?!?!

So I'm kinda crazy.... crazy over books! I'm kinda reading like 5 books at the moment. Trying to finish them quick. Ay yi yi! What have I gotten myself into? Why am I reading so many books!?

Yes! I started the Hunger Game. I started it 2 months ago and only on page 58. Wth..

Trying to re-read all the HP books. This is all I have though so I need to borrow #1-#4.

Something Borrowed. The movie was amzingly funny so I had to start on the book!

Ryann Newby lent me this when she was down here in California since I was freaking out about the Temple:)

Of course, the Book of Mormon! Every night. Haven't missed a night since Daniel has left (July 8, 2010)

And yet, I'm still buying books! This is my bookshelf. I have more behind these books. I probably have like more than 11 books I still need to read. Bahh!

Oh! And I ordered Jenny Oaks Baker's Wish Upon a Star CD from Deseret Book. It came in the mail today and instead of just one, it came with two! I have two Disney tribute CDs now! I love it! I'm listening to it over and over again. And now I really wanna go to Disneyland so bad :'(

I just went with my friend to watch Harry Potter #7 pt. 2 (omg, I keep typing Harry Pooter. Does anybody else do that or is it just me!?) in theater. It's even more amazing the second time. I want to watch it again.

Oh and fyi, I married Ron Weasley, the twins, and Draco Malfoy. Or maybe just Tom Felton since I like his REAL self than his Draco character... that's all!

Kat Draco Weasley OUT!

You know what? Just something I had to get off my chest.

You know the friend that you become close with?
The friend that you met not even 6 months ago and went through a whole mess of situations with already but got through it TOGETHER?
The friend that you were there for and supported them no matter what they chose?
The friend that you told over and over that what they were doing was wrong?
The friend that didn't listen when you told them that what they're doing was wrong?
The friend that was confused between two people and you told them to give the first person a second chance even though they treated your friend bad and that first person HATED your guts?
The friend that ended up with the first person in the end and broke the second person's heart?
The friend that apparently always leaves their wallet at home or in the car everywhere you guys go and asks you to buy them something and they'll pay you back?
The friend that did it on the 2nd hang out they ever had?
The friend that did that and you actually bought the thing they wanted but they never paid you back?
The friend that did it plenty of times but you still gave in and bought it for them anyways?
The friend that got to go on a Utah trip and had a blast with you?
The friend that was able to go because you bought them their $200 plane ticket?
The friend that still hasn't paid you back for the plane ticket when they said they'd pay you back in 2 days?
The friend that you become close to but then they cut you out of their life?
The friend that cut you out of their life because your friendship with them doesn't mean anything to them?
The friend the basically ends your friendship through a Facebook message?
The friend that blocks/deletes you from Facebook and blocked you from calling them?
The friend that didn't just end the friendship but DELETES you from their life?
The friend that learned to get through situations by blocking and deleting people from their life instead of working through it?
The friend that did the same thing to the second person that I mentioned in the beginning which broke their heart?
The friend that lives a life full of lies?

Yeah, I HAD that friend.
But despite it all,

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