Fast Sunday


Fast Sundays are one of my favorite days ever.
Because it's one of the days where I feel like a better person and I'm doing something good for myself or somebody else.

... or it may be because we're served a big, good meal after church for linger longer!

HAH! No I'm kidding but 'tis an amazing day!

I just dyed my hair. I havent' seen the end result yet since my hair is still dripping wet. I don't want to blow dry it..... but I have church in an hour and a half.

I'm hungry.

After Christmas choir practice.
A year and a half ago.
(00:26 - I didn't realize he pointed to my hair tie he wears all the time [he's even wearing it on his mission around his ankle!] when the lyrics said "I'm happy knowing you are mine" aw!!!!)