So I'm kinda crazy.... crazy over books! I'm kinda reading like 5 books at the moment. Trying to finish them quick. Ay yi yi! What have I gotten myself into? Why am I reading so many books!?
Yes! I started the Hunger Game. I started it 2 months ago and only on page 58. Wth..
Trying to re-read all the HP books. This is all I have though so I need to borrow #1-#4.
Something Borrowed. The movie was amzingly funny so I had to start on the book!
Ryann Newby lent me this when she was down here in California since I was freaking out about the Temple:)
Of course, the Book of Mormon! Every night. Haven't missed a night since Daniel has left (July 8, 2010)
And yet, I'm still buying books! This is my bookshelf. I have more behind these books. I probably have like more than 11 books I still need to read. Bahh!
Oh! And I ordered Jenny Oaks Baker's Wish Upon a Star CD from Deseret Book. It came in the mail today and instead of just one, it came with two! I have two Disney tribute CDs now! I love it! I'm listening to it over and over again. And now I really wanna go to Disneyland so bad :'(
I just went with my friend to watch Harry Potter #7 pt. 2 (omg, I keep typing Harry Pooter. Does anybody else do that or is it just me!?) in theater. It's even more amazing the second time. I want to watch it again.
Oh and fyi, I married Ron Weasley, the twins, and Draco Malfoy. Or maybe just Tom Felton since I like his REAL self than his Draco character... that's all!
Kat Draco Weasley OUT!